My TTC Timeline

Background:  Married Aug. 2008 (start using NFP, Sympto-Thermal)
Start trying for #1 Aug. 2009 and we conceive our 4th month of trying (using NFP knowledge)
Give birth to #1 Aug. 2010.
May 2011 have first period post baby, no charting, just letting things happen if they do

Aug 2011 officially wean and start actually trying for #2

Jan. 2012 get frustrated, it hasn't been super long, but something tells me that I'm in for a long haul

Feb. 2012 see NaproDoc that just moved to town (wahoo!) for annual appt, explain that we've been trying with NFP for 6 months, she thinks there's enough to do some post peak progesterone supplementation
          I knew that a couple is struggling with fertility if it's been a year of trying, I didn't know that if the couple has been using NFP to try then they are considered struggling after 6 months... at least in the eyes of NaProTechnology.

March 2012 switch to Creighton method NFP start vitamins

May 2012 have hormone panel blood work drawn- almost everything is good but with a slightly low estrogen and progesterone numbers

Aug 2012 start clomid at 25mg for two months, Progesterone supplementation for postpeak

Oct. 2012 Laproscopy and Selective HSG, not a fan of surgery but getting desperate for answers, especially with charts that look great, increase clomid dose to 50mg for 1st effective cycle*... yay!

Nov.  surgery resets effective cycle clock so this is the 1st effective

Dec. 2nd effective cycle

Jan. 2013 have 3rd effective cycle, started Anti-inflammatory diet and exercise, swap out many of my vitamins choices.

Feb. 2013 4th effective cycle

March 2013  5th effective cycle

April 2013  Stop clomid. Sonogram series (of 2 days) confirms good lining and ovulation (slightly earlier than usual)  Have a uterine biopsy in May if not pregnant and then antibiotics for TEBB.

May 2013  Uterine biopsy- everything comes back normal, still waiting on fungus report before starting on antibiotics.  Doc says we start looking into the TEBB and inflammation.  Looking into Dr. Boy.le's use of LDN and diet on my own.  Doc has already recommended LDN a few different times.

June 24, 2013 8th effective cycle, LDN is going well, also gluten and diary free. Negative for fungus.  Doing another SA test on hubs and having it cultured to detect any infection.  Then a round of antibiotics.  After that, we don't know what else we can do.

End of July - positive test!  learned that hubs and I have been passing an infection back and forth but doc is on the fence about treating it, wait til after first Trimester is over and reevaluate.

Due with #2- March 31st, please God let us bring this little one home!

*An "effective cycle" means that elements were in right to help conception take place, like adequate mucus production and quality, hormone levels were good, and intercourse was timed appropriately.

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