Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Unexpectly Blessed!

I'm 14 weeks pregnant, and still in a little shock.

Yup.  That's the reason for my falling off the face of the earth blog for the last, oh, 2 months or so.  That and not knowing how to announce it here.  The last post about taking a test that evening cuz I couldn't wait... we did and got the shock of our lives.  Truthfully my reaction went like this:
1. see test
2. take test to hubs
3. he says, "no way" and we just stare at each other silently for minutes
4. pray in thanksgiving for our blessing and for those we know who want nothing more than to see a positive test like the one we were holding
5. continue trying to process/sleep
6. shock wears off just enough to cry tears of joy/thanksgiving laying in bed while waking up

Some sort of bumbling disclaimer paragraph:
To be honest I haven't known what I would write here if this happened.  This blog has been my connection to some amazing women who have, in internet land, and real life helped me through the last two years more than I could EVER EXPRESS IN WORDS!!!  I hate the idea that my good news would cause pain to anyone else.  I hope you understand when I say with all honesty I'm glad I'm not dealing with IF, at this moment, but I DO mourn the "walk with you" relationships that have already been affected.  I hope to be seen as a NaPro success and a source of hope rather than a thorn in the side of those still dealing with IF.  I'm sure none of that was super eloquently stated but I hope you understand the point I'm trying to make.

How it's going so far:
It was not, in any way, an easy first trimester.  I had voluntarily gone gluten free and dairy free after some research into Dr. Boyle's use of LDN and nutrition and I regret that now because I had to stay GF/DF while completely losing my appetite- leading to my eating very little.  I've lost weight because I can't get food down.  I've also had weekly to daily brown bleeding which sets me on edge.  This could be the result of an infection I haven't yet been treated for, or semi normal uterine bleeds, which we saw on the sono.  So I've spent a good deal of time between the couch and the bed the last couple months.  I do NOT mean to complain, I'm darn happy to just be pregnant, but in the interest of sharing experiences, I'm trying to be honest in case anyone else out there is considering LDN or diet changes etc.  Do them one at a time in case the LDN works... diet issues and morning sickness do not play well together!  I'd do it all over again though in a heartbeat if we found that that was actually the right combination of things.  I'm also trying to offer up as much of this stuff as possible for those dealing with IF, but I'm afraid I'm human and probably not doing a good job of it.

Phew, so there it is, I'm pregnant, ecstatic, anxious, tired... and hugely thankful to my NaPro doc for sticking with me and helping to make this possible.  I mean, what kind of doctor's nurse runs over to you and gives you a big hug and tell you she and the doc are so happy on your first trip in for an emergency sono?!  Thankfully everything has looked good so far.

Many thanks to Sts. Gemma, Gianna, Gerard and for all the many prayers offered up by friends and family!!!

Sorry such a long post, thanks if you're still reading.


  1. Hooray! Congratulations! I was hoping when I didn't see a post from you the past couple months that this was the reason why! I am 17 weeks pregnant and my husband and I had the same reaction when we got that positive test (except that we didn't believe the first test, so we went out and bought a second, more expensive one.) After three years of infertility ourselves, it was really hard for us to tell some of our friends who have struggled to conceive, so I totally understand the point you're making about friendships. Best wishes and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and baby!
